Seasons Greetings,
We hope you are wrapped up warm and keeping busy in this cold weather we are having, I thought I would write to you all to wrap up this year and to keep you all updated on the exciting things to come in 2023.
After a tough couple of years which has us all wondering “when will it ever end”, we have been working hard to ensure next year is a great year for 918 Coffee Co and all its customers. Whilst the last 12 months have seen us being forced to increase our prices across the board, it has also led us to developing and launching more new products and services that we can offer all our customers to help address the balance. Many of these benefits are online and can easily be adopted through our websites to ensure everyone has access to the new products and services.
We have recently taken down the Coffee Hub Group website services in favour of developing a better trade store online for our customers to use directly. This is almost ready and we are currently putting the finishing touches on our new 918 Coffee Co website, which will now offer all our existing and new trade customers 24hr online access to all our existing trade products as well as some great new ones too. So keep an eye out for this in the next couple of weeks as we wrap up 2022. Allowing our customers to buy online will help to speed up the ordering process as well as rewarding them with a discount on the new years prices. So why not make the most of this in 2023 and register online ahead of the busy new year. Check out all the changes at www.918coffee.com , we hope you will agree that the site is now much easier to navigate and with the bonus of an online trade counter too, will make this a worthwhile visit for all your coffee shop requirements.
We have also created a full new site for our ever popular ecommerce drop-shipping service too, so if you or someone you know is interested in setting up their own brand of coffee, tea or chocolate in the next 12 months, please visit our new site at www.customcoffee.uk where you will be well looked after to get you set up and selling super quickly.
Next year will also see 918 Coffee introducing more trade services to our audience and customers alike, we are expecting to be out and about more in 2023 and showcasing why 918 Coffee Co remains the highest scoring B Corp Coffee company in the world. If you want to know more about these as they are planned, please don’t forget to subscribe online to our newsletters, where you will be kept up to date throughout the year.
Whilst this year has most definitely been a very bumpy road, we remain optimistic that next year will be a year that sees more stability and growth in the economy and general consumer confidence. There will no doubt be a few changes in day to day habits, but ultimately more resilience and determination to carry on stronger. I recall starting our business back in 2008 during the recession then, it certainly wasn’t easy at all, but we have not looked back since!
I have always used this time of year to sharpen my focus on the business, tie up any loose ends, clear any overdue tasks, re-live our recent achievements and re-evaluate our future goals. This then helps set out a plan for achieving our ambitions for next year. Be methodical and remain ambitious.
I would also add that if there is anything you feel we might be able to do to help you or your business, please feel free to get in touch. We will always do our very best to help any of our customers where we can.
All that remains for me to do now is to wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy & Prosperous New Year from myself and all the team at 918 Coffee Co and we can't wait to get stuck into 2023, where you will be hearing a lot more from us!
Best wishes,
Justin Cornelius
Managing Director
918 Coffee Co Ltd
