Let's have a coffee and save the World
4 years ago - almost to the day, I had a debate with a customer in our shop about various ethical stances that different coffee companies adopt, some more meaningful than others. The debate focused mainly around the idea that the only worthy ethical coffee stories were about the country of origin and the organisations they were associated with - namely these were Rainforest Alliance, FairTrade Foundation & The Soil Association (all worthy causes in their own right). My opinion at the time was that whilst they do great work at source, there was very little being done at our own doorstep and that the vast amounts of waste being produced by this growing love for this beverage was being overlooked.
This set me on a mission to ensure our coffee became of the the most ethical coffees on the planet - for the planet. By developing groundbreaking roasting technologies and partnering with some great organisations with synergies in our business ethics we have forged two amazing new ethical benchmarks for coffee supply.
The first is Eco Roast Coffee - the culmination of nearly 4 years hard work developing a technology that harnesses the energy in Waste Coffee Grounds to roast batches of fresh coffee at the same time as diverting this precious resource from landfill.
This multi award winning technology is now fully commercially operational and we can roast up to 3 Tons of coffee per day using 100% coffee waste for our heat source! Diverting up to 1 ton of waste coffee grounds per week. A huge breakthrough in the fight against waste coffee grounds!
We are still developing the next generation machine, which is set to be even more energy efficient and with over double the capacity to allow us to take Eco Roast to the next level.
Working with other coffee companies and distributors is now allowing us to make this technology available to all, which is an essential part of our business plan. In order to make a great impact on the problem, we need a wider audience to adopt the technology.
To learn more about this technology, please visit WWW.ECO-ROAST.COM or call us on 0203 7458918.
The second significant line in the sand has been the partnership with The Green Earth Appeal, a fantastic organisation helping to create a sustainable future for communities in developing world countries through a tree planting scheme which offers both a valuable food source as well as a carbon sequestering initiative.
We are proud partners of this organisation and have now arranged a new joint scheme called Carbon Free Coffee. For every case of this coffee purchased online from our trade store we will guarantee to plant a fruit tree in one of the projects that The Green Earth Appeal are supporting, thereby ensuring sustained growth of fruit in a less fortunate community as well as a carbon offset of 1 ton to the donor.
We have made it super easy now to donate also, All the coffees on our trade site CLICK HERE have an option to 'Carbon Free My Coffee' which will add £1 to your invoice, this is automatically donated straight to Green Earth Appeal who will then issue a certificate in your name to prove that 1 fruit tree has been planted and 1 ton of carbon offset.
Our aim is to plant 10,000 trees in the next 12 months with your support.
Combined with our FairTrade & Rainforest Alliance Certified Coffees, Super Ethical Single Origins, now Eco Roasted and Carbon Free - these are truly some of the most ethical coffees on the planet!
Isn't it time you switched to using one of the most Ethical Coffee on the planet?
CLICK HERE to find out more about this initiative
Contact us for more information on any of our products or services
Call Us: 0203 7458918
Email Us: Sales@918Coffee.com